FCI Labrador Retriever (LCD / VDH)
Site Notice
Information pursuant to Sect. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Karin Becker
Rhedebrügger Straße 66
46325 Borken
Phone: +49 (0) 2872 948 89 03
E-mail: beckerprojekt@t-online.de
Person responsible for editorial
Karin Becker
Rhedebrügger Straße 66
46325 Borken
Photo Credits
All photographs on our website are our property or have been published with the kind permission of their respective owners (authors) and with the consent of the persons depicted.
CMS WordPress, Premium Theme
Agency partner of eRecht24
In order to ensure data protection-compliant processing, an order processing agreement has been concluded with the owner of the website. Furthermore, there is a liability agreement for rights of use of images and texts. GriPu is not responsible for the texts and images provided by the website owner. Layout and design of the website is subject to the copyright of GriPu.
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Last Update
Last Update: 18.12.2024