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FCI Labrador Retriever (LCD / VDH)
Ogham Stones News 2023

News 2017

News 2017

December 22, 2017

Offspring by Hunter „Richbourne Treasure Hunt“

Love her…

December 21,2017

Retriever Christmas Show, Olten, Switzerland, 17.12.2017

Judge: Linda Harvey-Major ( GB )

Our last show for 2017, it was super day.

Hunter „Richbourne Treasure Hunt“ 1 excellent in Champion class with CAC, endet with best Male and BOS

Bale „Toopines Dix De Coeur Cesar“, 2. excellent in Intermediate class with Res. CAC

Seven „Richbourne Play It Again“, 1. excecllent in working class with CAC and finalley best working dog


I also had the pleasure to show the offspring from Angus „Dunnabbey Highlander“ and they did very well.

Paper Moon Von Britho vv1 in minor puppy, best Minor Puppy and finalley Best Baby in Show.

His sister Pretty Woman Pamina Von Britho was placed vv2 in Minor puppy.

And at last a big congratulation to the team „of Minto“

Eik Tammo Of Minto offspring by our Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“ vv3 in Minor Puppy

Handsome Hawk Of Minto offspring by our Deimos „Don Quichotte vom Steinrötsch“ 1. excellent with CAC

King Kap Of Minto offspring by our Seven „Richbourne Play it Again“ 2. excellent in Open class with Res CAC


Also well done Kygo’s Keep Cool of Horben Spring offspring by Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“ VV4 in Minor Puppy


A big thank you to Linda Harvey-Major for appreciating our dogs and to the Swiss team for the lovely and perfect organized show. Not to forget thanks Maria Antich for the nice pictures!


I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!


December 10, 2017

LKA Championship Show Birmingham

Judge Per Iversen / Norway

Bale „Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar“ 1. in yearling and crufts qualified

Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“ 4. in Limit

Goose „Dunnabbey Highlander“ 5. in open

Düwke „Mems Har Skotsje vd Jabolkeshut“ a daughter by Richbourne Star of Night“ 2. in Post Graduate and also crufts qualified

November 07, 2017

Our young boy Bale „Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar“ passed the Junior Huntingtest DRC in Osnabrück 04.11.2017.

Many thanks to the judges Manfred Pauels, Susanne Niggemeyer and Ute von Bothmer who makes it possible.

Congratulations to the rest of our group who also passed


October 23, 2017

Daughter of Hunter: Annie aus der Beerenhoehle

7 weeks

(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Annies Pride Dotty)


October 05, 2017

Offspring Richbourne Treasure Hunt

4 weeks


October 03, 2017

Back from a nice weekend in Austria


ORC Retriever Festival 29/09/2017 – Judge Mr F.H. Whyte (GB)

Toopines Dix de Coer Cesar 2. in Intermediate Class Res CAC

Mambrinos Inner Circle 1. in Open Class CAC


Show TULLN 30/09/2017 Crufts Qualification.

Judge Mr Jobse Sjoerd (S)

Toopines Dix de Coer Cesar 1. in Intermediate Class CAC, Res CACIB

Mambrinos Inner Circle 4. in Open Class


Show TULLN 01/10/2017

Judge Mr Fryckstrand Henric (S)

Toopines Dix de Coer Cesar 1. in Intermediate Class CAC, Res CACIB

Mambrinos Inner Circle 2. in Open Class CAC Res


Thanks to Thierry and Leonardo that I have now 2 full CACIB’s


Very proud that the offspring by Hunter „Richbourne Treasure Hunt“ Pyro „Avalanche Kreuzburg“ did so well all 3 days.


Big congratulation to Katarzyna and Krzysztof


September 21, 2017

King Kap of Minto offspring by Richbourne Play it Again becomes movie star… CanChaval 2018


September 19, 2017

Offspring Richbourne Treasure Hunt

NITRAWA CUP – 16.09.2017. – Judge: Viviane De Cuyper-Boesmans (BE),

AVALANCHE Kreuzburg – (Richbourne Treasure Hunt & Liza) – 1st, CAJC, Junior Winner, BOB, Junior BIG, Junior BIS, R.BIG

NITRA WINNER SHOW – 17.09.2017. – Judge: Rafael de Santiago (PR)

AVALANCHE Kreuzburg – (Richbourne Treasure Hunt & Liza) – 1st, CAJC, Junior Winner, BOB, Junior BIG, BIG

September 18, 2017

Offspring by our Deimos „Don Quichotte vom Steinrötsch“

Handsome Hawk of Minto 15 month

(Don Quichotte vom Steinrötsch x Quennley of Minto)

September 10, 2017

First time in junior class
Our youngster „Mambrinos Knowles“ (GB SHCH Mattand Exodus x Mambrinos Vixen)
was placed 1. exc with junior CAC under Carol Coode in Payerne


September 06, 2017

Offspring Richbourne Treasure Hunt
2 weeks
Kennel *Aus der Beerenhöhle*


August 13, 2017

IRA Ludwigshafen, judge Birgit Pfeifer / D

It was a super day !!!

Swiss / DRC CH „Goose“ Dunnabbey Highlander 1. Champion Class, best male, LCD CAC / CACIB Winner Rheinland-Pfalz and at the end BOB. Short listed in Group 8

„Kygo“ Mambrinos Inner Circle 1. Intermediate Class Res LCD CAC and Res CACIB

Swiss/Luxembourg/VDH junior CH „Bale“ Toopines Dix De Coeur Cesar 1. junior Class and Junior Winner Rheinland-Pfalz

Goose get his last point for VDH Champion and Bale get his last point for LCD junior Champion


August 08, 2017

Swimming and bath time with friends…


August 04, 2017

11 Puppies are born yesterday – Kennel „Labradors of Minto“ – by Mambrinos Inner Circle (Kimvalley Star Gazer at Farnfield x Mambrinos Gillian) x Peaceful Phoebe Kimberley of Minto (Fameflair After Midnight x Zhanna of Minto)


July 27, 2017

I’m very happy to have a homepage now, which is always up to date. 2 or 3 topics must still be created – but we can start now.

Thanks Petra – it was not always easy with me 😉


After 4 days raining …… the boys have fun

Miles, Kygo, Bale and Goose


July 25, 2017

Svensson „Mambrinos Knowles“ and Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“


July 24, 2017

CLUB SHOW LUXEMBOURG 23 juillet 2017: Jugde Hans Stigt (NL)

I’m still happy with the results yesterday 🙂

VDH Junior Ch/Swiss Junior CH Toopines Dix de Coeur Ceasar „Bale“ win a strong junior class and became Luxembourg Junior Champion.

Mambrinos Inner Circle was placed 3. exc not in a big but in a strong intermediate class.

Congratulations to BOS Luis and BOB Lutti and all the other winners.

Thanks to the judge and the show team Luxembourg and thanks Valerie for the nice pictures from yesterday.


July 19, 2017

Kygo, Bale and Miles have fun in the river „Ruhr“


July 19, 2017

Kygo’s first litter in Switzerland was born in the kennel of Horbenspring

We are very happy about 8 puppies by

Mambrinos Inner Circle (Kimvalley Star Gazer at Farnfield x Mambrinos Gillian) and April’s Jessica of Horben Spring (Carpenny Micah at Suttonpark x Toopines Smiling Nubya)


July 18, 2017

DRC Clubshow on July 16, 2017

Judge: Ann Britton (GB)

Toopines Dix de Coeur Cèsar „Bale“ 1. in junior class, best Youngster „DRC Club Junior Winner 2017“, and at the end best Dog / BOS.

Richbourne Treasure Hunt „Hunter“ 3. in champion class a bit tired on sunday.

Mambrions Inner Circle 1. in intermediat class with DRC CAC and Anw. VDH CAC.

Dunnabbey Highlander „Goose“ 1. in open class with DRC CAC and Anw. VDH CAC.

Goose get his last point to finish the DRC Champion title.

Thanks Julia for your help and also Nicole for handling Goose in the best dog competiton.

Thank you at the DRC Team for a super organized show day.


June 28, 2017

Hunter’s first litter in Italy is born, 6 boys and 3 girls. Kennel Crisbourne’s

Mother is Crisbourne’s Will to Dream (Waterline’s Di Crisbourne X Crisbourne’s Opaline Dream)


June 26, 2017

Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“ and Hunter „Richbourne Treasure Hunt“ have fun together after 2 very hot show days in the river Emme in Switzerland

Bale „Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar“ and Goose „Dunnabbey Highlander“ are also allowed to enjoy the River

June 20, 2017

Today, puppies are born after Seven (Richbourne Star of Night) in the kennel *Lorraine’s Unforgettable*. There are 2 boys and 5 girls.


June 10/11, 2017

June 10, 2017

Int. Show Hannover

Judge C. Morten / UK

Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar 1. in junior class Anw. LCD/VDH Jgd CH at the end best youngster and junior Winner 2017.

Mambrinos Inner Circle 2. in a strong Intermediate Class.

Richbourne Treasure Hunt 2. in Champion Class


June 10, 2017

Annual Trophy Show Hannover

Judge W. Boermanns/NL

Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar 1. in junior class Anw. DRC/VDH Jgd CH and Annual Trophy Youth-Winner 2017

Richbourne Treasure Hunt 1. in Champion Class and Res. CACIB


June 05, 2017

Puppies expected end of June in Italy,

Richbourne Treasure Hunt (Mambrinos Thriller at Richbourne x Richbourne Treasure)


Crisbourne’s Will to Dream (Waterline’s Di Crisbourne X Crisbourne’s Opaline Dream)


June 02, 2017

Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar „Bale“

(Dolbia Tangerine x Finlandia’s Ice Cybele of Horben Spring)

Very happy about the xray results from today

A2/A2 and ED 0/0



May 24/25, 2017


first day

judge Sjoerd Jobse (SE)

Toopines Dix De Coeur Cesar 1. in junior class with CAC and best Youngster

Richbourne Treasure Hunt 1. in champion class with CAC and Res. CACIB

Dunnabbey Highlander 2. in open class with Res.CAC


second day

judge Henric Fryckstrand (SE)

Mambrinos Inner Circle 1. in intermediate class

Toopines Dix De Coeur Cesar 1. in junior class with CAC and best Youngster

Richbourne Treasure Hunt 2. In champion class and Res. CACIB

Dunnabbey Highlander 3. in open class

It was a super weekend with friends and a lot of nice people. And we are very proud and happy about 2 new titles. Bale “Toopines Dix De Coeur Cesar” is now also Swiss junior champion and Hunter “Richbourne Treasure Hunt” is now “Swiss Show Champion”

Thanks Maya for the pictures.


May 23, 2017

Our old boy Pilgrim enjoy his new outdoor bed – a late birthday present for him… Thanks Irmina

Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“ and Svensson „Mambrinos Knowles“ love the new bed too.


May 22, 2017


Judge Ginette Oulton / U.K.

Kygo „Mambrinos Inner Circle“ win a nice intermediate class in Alpen

Dunnabbey Highlander 2. in Champion class

Toopines Dix de Coeur César 3. in junior


May 10, 2017

Morning walk…


May 01, 2017

Nice show weekend !!!

With very nice people and friends…


SRA Börsborn on 04-30-2017

Judge: Torunn Sörbye / N

Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar 4. in junior class

Richbourne Treasure Hunt 1. In Champion class Anw. VDH CAC

Mambrions Inner Circle 1. in intermediate class and second best Male with Anw. VDH CH and Res CAC LCD


SRA Diedersdorf on 04-29-2017

Judge: Dagmar Winter / D

Mambrinos Inner Circle 2. in intermediate class with Anw. Res CAC VDH/DRC

Toopines Dix de Coeur Cesar 2. in junior class with Anw. Res CAC VDH/DRC jr.

Dunnabbey Highlander 1. in Champion Class Anw. VDH/DRC CAC and Best Male and Winner Brandenburg 2017

Thanks Irmina for the super pictures 😘


April 16, 2017

Puppies are born after *Richbourne Treasure Hunt*, Kennel Fantasy Fly, 3 boys and 3 girls.

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